Hi folks,

we have found a bug in the tsm device driver.
Our configuration are:

aix 4.3.3 with fibre-channel adapter
DISC Jukebox 525 with SONY F561 Worm Drives (SCSI)
We connect the aix and the jukebox with a PATHLIGHT bridge. (fibre to scsi)

The problem ist the Pathlight bridge support online 2K blocks (for optical
The tsm device driver send dynamic blocks with 4K size.

We have done a backup an no error are reported.
When we do a "audit vol" on the media many errors are reported in the

A trace from the devicedrive says. "Hey i have send 4K and have a rest from the
block but the returncode is null"
No error was reportet!!!! We can't restore the files.

Now we have a firmwareupdate from Pathlight for 4K support and a new
Now everything is right.

When anybody have a similar configuration. Check your worm/data !!


Michael Garnebode
Schmitz Rz Consult GmbH
50259 Pulheim
Tel.: 02238/922266
Fax: 02238/922267

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