I really don't know what is wrong with the recovery log. There are no clients that have been connected to the server for more than 4 minutes. I have a backup of a primary tape pool to a copy tape pool running 1 process. Other than that everything is silent. I can't seem to get the log to clear to 0% and soon I'll have to add more space which will take it to 6 GB for the recovery log. I am still baffled about this.
We have TSM on the mainframe and it is attached to STK silos with 3590 magstar tapes. As far as I know communication wasn't lost because other migrations/backups etc. were running. I was just having problems with 1 out of 3 of my disk storage pools migrating to tape. I looked through the logs trying to find out what tape it might have been trying to migrate to, but it never asked for a certain tape and I never received a mount request either. I know this all seems very bizarre. I really don't know how to justify what happened. Thanks!!! Joni Moyer Systems Programmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] (717)975-8338 "Cook, Dwight E" To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <DWIGHT.E.COOK cc: @SAIC.COM> Subject: Re: TSM migration problem & recovery log question??? Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] IST.EDU> 01/14/2003 09:20 AM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" Because of internal locks that aren't being readily resolved. Look for a client (or clients) that have been connected for a long time (say 4-6+ hours) Also look for other things like expiration, reclamation, migration, etc... processes that might be running also. Might only been client sessions though... Anyway, generally (I've discovered) the log won't clear until those long running clients either finish normally OR I cancel them. We have had to increase some of our log sizes to 6 GB (6144 MB) in order to allow things to run to completion and not have our log fill up and cause sessions to die off due to log space being exhausted. Now, media inaccessible, how is your library attached ????? I've noticed (in the past) that if the library manager can't talk to TSM (or tsm can't talk to the library manager) AND tsm requires a tape mount (which fails because of lack of communication) even though I restored communications to the library, I would still have to bounce TSM to get it to start talking to the library again... Is there something that is causing a loss of communications with your library prior to this "media not available" situation ? When things fail due to media not available does it report a specific volser ? When things are bounced and start working again, does the problem volser (if identified) become accessible ? Dwight E. Cook Software Application Engineer III Science Applications International Corporation 509 S. Boston Ave. Suite 220 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103-4606 Office (918) 732-7109 -----Original Message----- From: Joni Moyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 7:23 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: TSM migration problem & recovery log question??? The recovery log on TSM is 95% full. I do a full DB backup everyday, which I thought would reset the log to 0%. It is in normal mode, not rollforward. Why would it be so high when I just did a full backup last night that ended at 9 PM. The log right now is 4.6 GB with 4.2 GB utilized. Any suggestions? We have TSM 4.1.3 on OS/390. My other problem is that our disk storage pool filled to 100%, getting message anr1021w: media inaccessible. When trying to force migration (which should've occurred automatically) the processes still failed with the media inaccessible messages. We were not in tape drive allocation and plenty of scratch volumes were available. No messages in the logs even pointed to a specific tape that was being called in. Bouncing the tsm server triggered one of four possible migration processes. Around 8 hours after bouncing the server 4 migration processes finally did kick off after hitting the set threshold. Any ideas or insight as to what the problem could be??? Thanks for any help, Joni Moyer Systems Programmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] (717)975-8338