Richard Sims schrieb:
A very obvious but conspicuously missing option from client restores is
a Preview capability, which would nicely address this restoral planning
need that has historically been the subject of so many postings.
When you think about it, it's rather amazing that the product has us
embark upon restorals with no fore-awareness of what will be involved.
A Preview capability would tell us:
 - What volumes would be required;
 - If all the volumes are available (onsite, offsite, volumes Unavailable,
   files Damaged, etc.);
 - If sufficient drives are available, and how many would be used;
 - The amount of data that will be restored.

As I say, all this is too obvious... So how come Development has never added
such a capability to the product?  Competition with other products should
alone be enough incentive.

   Richard Sims, BU
There seems to be no obvious answer to your last question ;-).
Anyway, I would be happy to find such a preview capability in a future


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