=========================================================================== > I have all these issues clear, but there are some points about "setting up > the scheduler" in the procedure described in the "Data Protection for > Exchange User's Guide" that does not seems to be clear, like: > > 1. Move the Exchange virtual server to the secondary node of the > cluster to create the scheduler service. Make sure the secondary > node of the cluster has ownership of the Exhange virtual server. > 2. The primary node of the cluster must contain the command file on > the fileshare used to create the scheduler service. > > When I do the step one, the primary node looses the access to the file > share, then the step two is not factible to be done.
I agree...confusing... Step "2." above is trying to say that the command file you created that calls DP for Exchange to do the backup should be on Exchange Server file share. That way, it will follow the failed over Exchange server and you will only have to have one copy of this per virtual server. I will pass this info to the book writer so that it can get cleaned up for a future version of the book. > 3. In the primary node (nodeA) when I installed the windows service I used > the following parameters /node:nodeA /password:pass_nodeA > /optfile:nodeA.opt. > To install the windows service to failover in the secondary node(nodeB), > should I use the same parameters like in the primary node /node:nodeA > /password:pass_nodeA /optfile:nodeA.opt or should I modified the parameters > to match the nodeB? Yes... but I would not use "nodeA"... I would make the node name be the Exchange "virtual" server name, not tied to either of the physical machines. For example: /NODE:ExcVirtServ1 /password:pass_ExcVirtServ1 /optfile:ExcVirtServ1.opt =========================================================================== Thanks, Del ---------------------------------------------------- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Never cut what can be untied. - Commit yourself to constant improvement.