
We don't actually do exactly what you want, but we do send our logs and DBs
to different mgmt classes. You control it with include/exclude lists, like
any other TSM client. Then the classes can do what you want.

Example for logs:
include s*.txn          domino-daily-arc
include S*.TXN          domino-daily-arc

Example for DBs:
include *.NSF           domino-month
include *.NSF.DATA      domino-month
include *.nsf           domino-month
include *      domino-month
include *.nsf.DATA      domino-month

include *.NTF           domino-month
include *.NTF.DATA      domino-month
include *.ntf           domino-month
include *      domino-month
include *.ntf.DATA      domino-month

include *.BOX           domino-month
include *.BOX.DATA      domino-month
include *.box           domino-month
include *      domino-month
include *.box.DATA      domino-month

You need the various extensions (nsf, ntf and box) to cover all the
different Domino DB types.
I'm not sure why you need the upper/lower case combinations, or even if you
*do* need them - I inherited the setup.
But it works fine for us.

Richard Foster
Norsk Hydro


Hello TSM' ers
has anybody got a setup where Notes DB's are backed up to Disk than
migrated to tape, but the transaction logs stay on disk because they are
bount to a different management class.
The TL's will be backed up into another tape pool, but primaraly the active
TL's will stay on disk.
The point behind this is, that if you restore a logged Domino DB a week
old, it requires a lot of tape mounts and takes a long time. Collocation is
an option, but that is not the solution since the DB's are massive > 1GB
and there are a lot of them, which means the diskpool gets filled up mighty
quickly. Migration sets in, even migrating the TL's to its own tape,
meaning the TL's are not on disk anymore and the whole proccess is still
fairly slow.

Any suggestions are appreciated.

Markus Veit

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