Thanks. There are no errors in the acticity log. Once the reclamation process is started the tapes are selected/listed in the activity log but not reclaimed. It appears to recognize the tape is available for reclamation but does not even mount the tape. Collocate is on and there are hundreds of tapes with the same STG. Some of the tapes are 99.9% even reclaimable.
"Miller, Ryan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 12/20/2002 03:01:59 PM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc: (bcc: Michael Raine/NOTES) Subject: Re: Reclamation not reclaiming carts Are there errors in the activity log associated with why they won't reclaim? or are they have not just reclaimed yet? do you have a reclamation process running? also, do you collocate, if so is it possible that this is the only tape associated with a node and can't reclaim? lots of issues to look at here... Ryan Miller Principal Financial Group Tivoli Certified Consultant Tivoli Storage Manager v4.1 -----Original Message----- From: Michael Raine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, December 20, 2002 1:47 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Reclamation not reclaiming carts Thanks... Ran audit vol and no errors were found. The funny thing is that reclamation realizes the carts have space to reclaim because it identifies them in the activity log but will not move the data. Currently I am moving the data manually but this process will take awhile as there are over a hundred carts like this. "Wayne T. Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 12/20/2002 02:37:26 PM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc: (bcc: Michael Raine/NOTES) Subject: Re: Reclamation not reclaiming carts You might try doing an AUDIT VOLUME on each. Michael Raine wrote: > When running reclamation have the reclaim pct for the STG at 60%. > > Have several volumes meeting this requirement but TSM does not reclaim the data. > It recognized the carts in the activity log but does not reclaim the space. Holiday cheers, wayne -- Wayne T. Smith -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- University of Maine System -- UNET **************************************************************************** All electronic communications, including company provided email, are the sole property of Allfirst. This system may not be used to transmit, receive or download solicitations or offensive, vulgar or otherwise disruptive messages or materials, including, but not limited to, those that violate Allfirst's policies regarding Equal Employment Opportunity and Sexual Harassment. All messages transmitted by or received through the Allfirst email system shall be regarded as non-personal, business communications. Employees are reminded to only use this system for legitimate business purposes. Allfirst reserves the right to monitor, intercept and retrieve electronic communications in the normal course of business. **************************************************************************** All electronic communications, including company provided email, are the sole property of Allfirst. This system may not be used to transmit, receive or download solicitations or offensive, vulgar or otherwise disruptive messages or materials, including, but not limited to, those that violate Allfirst's policies regarding Equal Employment Opportunity and Sexual Harassment. All messages transmitted by or received through the Allfirst email system shall be regarded as non-personal, business communications. Employees are reminded to only use this system for legitimate business purposes. Allfirst reserves the right to monitor, intercept and retrieve electronic communications in the normal course of business.