Hi Paul,

I agree with you on the small files and LAN-Free - BUT - we have
a few Netware servers with large btrieve databases - so I'm sure
there is a need for Lan-Free on Netware - bringing me to the
2nd part of Netware and backups - the unfortunate thing with Netware
and small files is this:
You will NEVER get even close to LAN-Free speed with the
TSM client (or any other backup tool for that matter currently),
when doing smaller files on Netware.
It does not matter that you have a gigabit network - you will
not be able to exploit it.
The best speed I was able to get with average 27Kb files was
4M/bytes per second - I promise you this is as close as the
IBM LABS also got to Gigabit speed on Netware with small
The best we've seen was close to 30M/bytes per second when
using larger files of 250Meg and bigger.

Your Netware modules that Novell provide for backup tools
to use are single CPU bound - as are much of the rest of
the OS - so your bottleneck is your CPU on Netware - and beleive
me - TSM will push your CPU close to 100% if you have fast disk
and fast network.


The reality is this.  File system backups of small files are not a good
candidate for SAN Tape backups.  Netware does not run any large file
databases, so there is no SAN Storage Agent requirement.  The answer is
Gigabit between your TSM server and the client and let the TSM server stream
the data to the tape drives.  You will get as go performance, if not better
than a SAN backup would ever provide.

Paul D. Seay, Jr.
Technical Specialist
Naptheon Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jin Bae Chi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 8:34 AM
Subject: LAN free backup for Novell

Hi, expets,

I'm trying to implement LAN free backup feature with TSM 4.2 on AIX 4.3.3
for client nodes with Novell servers. These NetWare servers are fibre
connected to EMC box through SAN switches. TSM support told me there is no
Storage Agent support for Netware platforms. Does anyone backup Novell
servers through Fibre Channel? What would be your suggestion to backup to
tape library that resides on SAN? Thanks again for your help!!

Jin Bae Chi (Gus)
System Admin/Tivoli
Data Center
614-287-5488 Fax

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