Kurt, TDP for SQL upgrades after version 2.2.0 will install over the top of each other. The same is true for TDP for Exchange. The BA client is like that for most platforms, in some cases, there may be a situation that causes you to uninstall the previous version first... but in all cases your dsm.opt and/or other config files should be preserved.
Thanks, Del ---------------------------------------------------- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Never cut what can be untied. - Commit yourself to constant improvement. ======================================================================== > That is the proper way to upgrade TSM clients (TSM 3.7.x and TSM 4.1.x clients > on Windows and TSM 4.1.x client on HPUX) > > 1. Just install the new client over the old version > > 2. Uninstall first the old client. What about the client config files (dsm.opt, inclexcl files and > dsm.sys). Remain they intact or copy them first to another location. And what about the TSM client > schedular service: just stop it or should it be uninstalled first prior to the uninstall of the BA > client). Install now the new version. And if necessary copy the config files again and start the > schedular again. Test the connectivity by launching the BA GUI. > And the same question for the TDP's of MS SQL and the TDP for Informix on HPUX. > The upgrade process for the server is well discussed in the installation guide, but I don't find this > information for the B/A client.