
Question about a sql-query to get IP-addresses from client-nodes associated
with a schedule:

select substr(A1.ADDRESS,1,posstr(address,':')-1) as IP_address,A1.entity as
Name from summary A1, nodes A2 where A1.entity=A2.node_name AND node_name in
(select node_name
from ASSOCIATIONS) AND start_time>timestamp(concat('2002-11-26',' 07:00'))
order by IP_address ASC

Query gives output like this:
------------------      ------------------
1xx.25.141.20           NT_A
1xx.25.141.21           AIX_Z
1xx.25.141.5            AIX_B
1xx.25.141.6            NT_X
1xx.25.141.7            NT_D
1xx.25.141.8            W2K_F
1xx.25.141.9            W2K_G
1xx.25.143.118          W2K_A
1xx.25.143.21           AIX_S
1xx.25.143.22           AIX_M
1xx.25.143.23           NT_K

I would like to order by IP-address on last octet of IP-address, like
sequence 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 20 and so on and not like 20, 21, 5, 6, 7

Is there someone who can give me a hint?

Any tip is welcome.



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