Use this command: mtlib -l /dev/lmcp0 -C -V VOLSER# -t NEWCODE
If I wanted to change volume 123456 from 300 to 301 the command would read: mtlib -l /dev/lmcp0 -C -V 123456 -t 301 Thanks, Robert Rippy From: Horst Scherzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 11/25/2002 02:02 AM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc: Subject: Re: Anyone remember how to assign category # using "mtlib" ? Zig Zag wrote: > > I keep getting this error: > > root@buffy > 174 [/root]> mtlib -l /dev/lmcp0 -r -#190 > mtlib: A host id must be specified. > > been a few years..... > > __________________________________________________ > Do you Yahoo!? > Yahoo! Mail Plus Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now. > mtlib -v -l /dev/lmcpx -C -tFF00 -Vyyyyyy is your friend. Hth, -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Horst SCHERZER e-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Vienna University Computer Center Phone: (+43 1) 4 277 x14053 Universitaetsstr.7 Cellular: (+43) 0664/60 277 14053 A-1010 Wien/Vienna Fax: (+43 1) 4 277 x9140 Oesterreich/Austria URL: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (See attached file: Horst.Scherzer.vcf)
Description: Binary data