Holly, There are no specific environment variable to set for restores. What you do need to make sure of is that you are using the same options for restore that you used for backup. In particular you need to make sure the filespace on the server is set the same for both backups and restores. It may help you to verify (query) that the particular backuppiece that you backed up is sitting on the TSM Server and that it is in the filespace that you expect.
------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2002 16:45:28 -0500 From: "Peppers, Holly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Help w/TDP for Oracle w/RMAN All, Please help. :-) WE are currently receiving an error message when trying to retrieve files via TDP for Oracle w/RMAN. The error we are seeing is as follows: ANS1302E (RC2) No objects on server match query I'm thinking there may be an environment variable that needs to be specifically set for the restores? Seems like I heard that somewhere once before...but if so, I'm not sure where it is or what it is. Let me know if any of you have any hints. Thanks. Holly L. Peppers BCBSFL Technical Services Regards, Neil Rasmussen Software Development TDP for Oracle