Hi, if your files are small, you could consider imagebackup. regards juraj
> -----Original Message----- > From: Brenda Collins [mailto:brenda.collins@;US.ING.COM] > Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 3:45 PM > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: Tuning to backup Millions of files > > > Hi! > > I have an NT server that has an Optika application (Imaging) > running on it. > It has to search 2 million+ files nightly and ends up backing up about > 100,000+ each night. The problem is that it takes about 8 > hrs. to do this > backup which is not acceptable. Does anyone have any tuning > parameters > that may help this issue? The files can not be split up > among directories > anymore than they are. They want their cache files backed up > so they copy > them over to another directory and we back them up from there. We are > upgrading their hardware to see if that helps but if there is > any tuning I > can do on the TSM side, that would help also. > > Thanks, > Brenda Collins, > Sr. Storage Administrator > ING > 612-342-3839 >