Hi all,

I called Tivoli Support and asked them which is the most SAFEST, less BUGGY
verion to go to.  They said  That where we are going to upgrade


> -----Original Message-----
> From: bbullock [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 11:31 AM
> Subject:      Re: TSM version 5
>         We are in the process of moving our 8 TSM servers from the
> "very-stable,I-never-wanna-change" Version, to the
> "it-scares-me-to-death-to-change" Version 5.
>         FYI, we have 8 TSM servers running on AIX 4.3.3 ML10, ~800 clients
> (NT, AIX, Solaris, Linux & VMS) running with TSM client levels anywhere
> from
> 2.1 to 5.1, with the majority of them at version 4.1 and 4.2.
>         We are being "motivated" to move to a newer version so we're on a
> supported version and because there are new features that our NT admins
> want
> to exploit.
>         So, my logic went like this:
>         4.2.* - Way to buggy, not ~even~ going to go there.
> - First version, too buggy.
> - Seems to re-introduce previously fixed bugs.
> - I don't like to install patches (as opposed to
> maintenance
> levels) unless I encounter a bug.
>         So, that lead me to install on my TSM servers.
>         I'm rolling out the " to upgrade" gradually, just
> in
> case I encounter a big gotcha. As of today, I have upgraded 5 of the 8
> servers,(doing about 1/week).
>         Things seem to be good so far. I'm keeping an eye on the "SYSTEM
> OBJECTS" on the NT hosts, but they seem to be stable and not growing any
> larger, (but I'm going to keep an eye on that one). Also, the clients
> don't
> seem to be reporting any more errors than usual. No errors on the "expire
> inventory" that I can see.
>         I'm kinda thinking that I dodged a bullet and it won't be as
> painful
> as I thought this was going to be. It's quiet... perhaps a little ~too~
> quiet... (roll scary music... queue scary bug...) ;-)
>         Once we are comfortable with the TSM servers at, we will
> start to upgrade the client software.
> Ben
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Luciano Ariceto [mailto:Luciano.Ariceto@;IPAPERBR.COM]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 4:28 AM
> Subject: TSM version 5
> Hi
> I would like to know about TSM version 5 (good or bad things). Nowadays we
> are running version 4.1 and we are planning move to v5. If you have any
> comments or experince about it I will appreciate.
> Thanks a advanced
> Luciano Ariceto
> Technical Support
> International Paper do Brasil Ltda.

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