Matthew, Zlatko, The latest available TSM API for OS/400 is 4.2.1.
Thanks, Del ---------------------------------------------------- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Never cut what can be untied. - Commit yourself to constant improvement. =========================================================================== > there is no such a beast "TDP for DB2". It is integrated within DB2 long > time ago. In the past the access was through the command "db2 backup use > adsm" and later just changed to "backup use tsm". It ought to be available > in OS/400 as well but don't rely on my words and look carefully in DB2 > docs. > DB2 backup uses ADSM/TSM/ITSM API client not the B/A client !! Thus > statements like "there is no TSM client for OS/400" do not apply. There is > only API client for OS/400 but it exists and AFAIK it is again current > since v5.1.5 (Del, am I correct on this).