There may be some confusion as to when journal based backup will be used and when full progressive incremental will be reverted to.
The backup client determines if journal based backup is possible and if it isn't will revert to full incremental backup. For jbb to be possible, the journal service must be running, and an active and valid journal must be present for the file system being backed up. Having the journal service running is pretty much self explanatory (for testing purposes in may be run in undocumented, unsupported foreground mode by issuing tsmjbbd i from a command prompt ...). An active journal means that the file system is specified in the list of journaled file systems in journal service configuration file (tsmjbbd.ini) and is actively being journaled (application event log messages should verify this). There are several factors which determine if a journal is valid. First and foremost is that a full, progressive incremental backup of the filesystem must have been completed while the file system was actively being journaled. Note that completed means that the last Last Backup Completion Date on the server is set, and this will only happen when the entire file system is backed up (dsmc incr c: will do it, dsmc incr c:\*.* -subdir=y will not). The Last Backup Completion Date may be viewed by doing a Query FileSpace from the backup client or server. Once a full incremental backup of the actively journaled file system is completed, the journal for that file system will be valid for the server which the original full backup was performed and completed to, and journal based backup will be invoked on subsequent backup operations to that server. Conditions which will invalidate the journal and force a full incremental backup to be performed: 1. Stopping and restarting the journal service or bringing the file system offline by removing from the list of journaled file systems in the config file. Normally stopping and restarting the journal service (or bringing it offline) automatically invalidates the journal but this behavior may be overridden (as of release 5.1 of the journal service) by specifying the PreserveDbOnExit setting under JournaledFileSystemSettings stanza of the journal service config file (PreserveDbOnExit=1). If this setting is specified the journal will remain valid and jbb can continue when the journal comes back online. 2. Certain changes in policy information on the server Changing policy information on the server such as the default management class, etc. will invalidate the journal. 3. Backup up to a different server than the original backup was completed to will force a full incremental backup to the new server but will not invalidate the journal for the old server. The journal must be brought offline (with PreserveDbOnExit off) and back online, and a full backup performed and completed to the new server in order for the journal to be valid for the new server. Hope this helps answer your questions and gets you up and running with Journal Based Backup. Pete Tanenhaus Tivoli Storage Solutions Software Development email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] tieline: 320.8778, external: 607.754.4213 "Those who refuse to challenge authority are condemned to conform to it" ---------------------- Forwarded by Pete Tanenhaus/San Jose/IBM on 10/29/2002 09:38 AM --------------------------- "Gill, Geoffrey L." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 10/29/2002 09:23:01 AM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc: Subject: Journaling Why, after turning on Journaling, is TSM now going to back up the whole 600GB "AGAIN"! Geoff Gill TSM Administrator NT Systems Support Engineer SAIC E-Mail: <mailto:gillg@;> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Phone: (858) 826-4062 Pager: (877) 905-7154