I tested with compression and without compression.No much difference in

                    "Seay, Paul"
                    <seay_pd@NAPT        To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                    HEON.COM>            cc:
                    Sent by:             Subject:     Re: RAID5 in TSM
                    "ADSM: Dist
                    Stor Manager"
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                    06:29 AM
                    respond to
                    "ADSM: Dist
                    Stor Manager"

Are you running compression?

Paul D. Seay, Jr.
Technical Specialist
Naptheon Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Raghu S [mailto:raghu@;COSMOS.DCMDS.CO.IN]
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 8:03 AM
Subject: RAID5 in TSM


There was a lot of discussion on this topic before.But i am requesting TSM
gurus give their comments again.

The set up is like this.

TSM Server : Windows NT 4.0 SP6, TSM

                            392 MB memory, P III

                  Adaptech Ultra SCSI

                Hard Disk :  Internal   Hardware RAID 5:

                         array A : 8.678GB * 3 : 17.356GB data and 8.678 GB

                         array B : 35.003 GB * 3 : 70.006GB data and 35.003
GB parity.

Both array A and array B are connected to the same channel.

OS and TSM 5.1 are installed on array A

TSM data base, recovery log and Disk storage pool are installed in array B.

Database : 2GB+2GB = 4 GB  and mirrored at TSM level on the same array

Recovery Log : 500MB + 500 MB = 1 GB and mirrored at TSM level on the same

Disk Storage pool : 10GB+10GB+10GB+10GB+5GB=45GB on array B

TSM client: ( Tivoli says is not supported with 5.1
Server. But i could take the backup,archive and restore with this
combination )

Number of Clients : 55, all are windows

Incremental backup : 1GB/ client/day.

backup window : 9AM to 6PM with 50% randamization ( all are in polling mode

LAN : 100Mbps

End of the day only 10 clients could finish the backup.Remaining all are
missing or "?" ( in progress ) or failed.

Through the entire backup window the CPU load is 100% with dsmsvc.exe
holding 98%

I tested with various options. I stopped the schedular and fired 3 clients
backup manually at the same time.Each client has 1 GB of incremental data.
It took three hours to finish the backup. While backing up i observed there
was lot of idletime outs of sessions.

Network choke is not there. I checked this with FTP.

Whats the bottleneck here? Is RAID 5 is creating problems ( DB,log and
storage pool all are on the RAID 5 )? I asked the customer to arrange a
testing machine without any RAID. I will be getting that in two days.Before
going on to the testing i like to know your comments on this.


Raghu S Nivas
Consultant - TSM
DCM Data Systems Ltd
New Delhi

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