Hello, I know that on certain library such as 3494 you don't have an option for barcode. I am thinking that 3583 might be one..
Try checking in with checklabel=no Issue help command on TSM admin session "help checkin libvolume" for more information Sung Y. Lee Burak Demircan <burak.demircan@DAIMLERCH To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] RYSLER.COM> cc: Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Subject: what is the problem in the command? Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/11/2002 02:11 AM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" Hi, I am trying to checkin a volume from BULK on 3583. I was getting no error before. I am using Regards, Burak tsm: TSM01.MBT>checkin libvolume 3583lib 162ACF checklabel=barcode status=pri ANR2020E CHECKIN LIBVOLUME: Invalid parameter - BARCODE. ANS8001I Return code 3.