On Wed, 25 Sep 2002, Thomas A. La Porte wrote:

> We are also backing up Netapp filers over NFS, and we have used
> several solutions, none of which are completely satisfactory to
> us. We are trying to see if we can't work under a "supported"
> configuration, since TSM claims to support automounted
> filesystems..

Assuming you have a client initiated (CRON) method to do backups and not
server scheduled

Because with server -scheduled, we could not have the the below options
to work at all

*domain all-nfs
*domain all-auto-nfs

(I have an explanation to what happens here, I even had a PMR @ level 2..
and they could not figure out why the error messages. At the end it was
the solaris automounter which was sending wrong messages back to TSM)

and also that I had about 30 netapp volumes exported via NIS on each of
our proxy TSM clients (I call them proxy, 'cause they help to backup up
my netappps :)). I did not want to hit the media server at once.

So here is what I did, for the TSM client to run a complete
incremental backup on a automounted map, we have cron scripts which
initiate these from the proxy client. We mount the  NIS maps (Snapshots
exported via NIS) stay mounted until the backup completes. Then force
umount it, because a new nightly snapshot run from an admin host will over
write the old snapshot on the filer.

The key is to  *cd* to the map! it is a simple script below. but the
trick was to get it work where, process are spawned per file-system in the

hope this helps,. offcourse the whole traffic is on the LAN, that could be
a bottle neck for you though

#  Just check to see if the maps are available
for mounts in `cat /var/tsm/local/vol_mounts1`;
ls -a  $mounts > /dev/null
   if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
        print "$mounts auto_mount_MAP had a problem on SANDERS" >>
        print "Please verify and check with the Filers admin.." >>
/usr/ucb/Mail -s "TSM backup error on NFS-admin Sanders" names <

        rm /var/tsm/local/message_file

#  Don't exit continue with the next one else
#  Spin-off dsmc incr commands on multiple file-systems and when done, unmount
#  them
( cd $mounts;/bin/dsmc inc $mounts -sub=y ;cd ../..;sleep 5;umount -f
$mounts )&

Hope this helps!

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