At 10:55 AM 9/24/02 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi Fred,
> >I've seen the SYSTEM OBJECT problem, it's especially pretty when you can't
> >run expiration for six weeks.
>It's a pain, I've got a routine set up to find the oversized SYSTEM
>OBJECT filespaces and then delete them, but I have two servers with
>thousands of WinXP/2K nodes that bloated the databases up to 250GB.
>I'm just trying to stay above water on these two and then just move
>the nodes to a v5 server for a big 'do over'. Sigh.
>Bottom line, get your SYSTEM OBJECT filesystems in check now!
> >But I haven't had a scheduled session
> >accepted since I hit MAXSESS at 3:04 yesterday morning. Are you seeing
> >this in
>Not sure what problem you are seeing. If all of your sessions are in
>use, i.e., you've hit MAXSESS, I wouldn't expect any scheduled
>sessions to get in. Or am I missing something?
>Gretchen Thiele
>Princeton University