Hi Chis!
Checkout this one:
Maybe this helps?
Kindest regards,
Eric van Loon
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

-----Original Message-----
From: chris rees [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 12:02
Subject: TDP exchange - please help

Hi all

I'm having the same problem that Joe had lst year ( see text below )
Someone gave him the answer but I can't find it on the forum. Can anyone
please enlighten me.  I think it may be to to with my inclexcl line but not
sure...it currently looks like
include "corwwdsapp04\first storage group\...\*"

I'm running active/passive on win2000 servers. TSM client in 5.1, TDP for
exchange is 2.2



Server : TSM 4.1.3 on NT4 sp6a
Client:  Cluster 2 nodes
        NT 2000 with TSM 4.2 and TDP for Exchange

No problem performing backups on cluster node name using TSM (system
drives). Backup of Exchange 5.5 using TDP v2.2 is ok (migrating to Exchange

TDP for exchange v2.2 dsm.opt file is :

NODename         QBSMET01
CLUSTERnode       yes
COMPRESSIon       Off
PASSWORDAccess    Generate

This is connecting to the TSM server, but getting error of:

ACN5237E Unable to communicate with the Microsoft Exchange Server

Any thoughts?.


Joe Cascanette
The Cumis Group Limited

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