Hi Everyone!
For one of our customers I have recently upgraded their TSM server (and TSM
device-driver) from v. to, because of added support for
multiple modules of library Compaq MSL5026DLX.
Configuration is now:
TSM Server (+dev.driver) v.
Library Compaq MSL5025DLX (2 modules) with 3 SDLT 220 drives.

After the upgrade, many of the processes takes a very long time to complete.
Expiration used to take 10-15 minutes, takes now 1,5 hours. Database backup
used to take about 20 minutes, takes now 1-2 hours, migration is slow,
space-reclamation is very slow, and when they try to stop spacereclamation,
it takes hours before it stops.

I'm sorry I don't have any numbers (MB/s) for these processes. I might have
more data on this by tomorrow. But I would like to know if anyone else have
seen similar problems after an upgrade.

Any help is highly appreciated!

Geirr G. Halvorsen

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