OK, all the new ~poop~ is multi-threaded.

Anyone know the scoop on LWP's (light weight processes), specifically under
Solaris ?

We noticed a slow down in some environments upon upgrading to latest TSM & tdp/r3
now that I'm bald from pulling out all my hair we notice that on a sun box
with 32 GB memory & 32 processors we see a 27 session tdp/r3 backup action
run with 40 LWP's and do OK  BUT   a sun box with 6 GB memory & 15
processors we see a 25 session tdp/r3 backup action run with just 7 LWP's
and do less than expected... actually about the same throughput as we saw
before if we just initiated 7 sessions (sigh)

(find your "backint" process and use a "ps -lLf -p <backintpid>" to see the
associated light weight processes)

I have this into IBM also, to ask the developers if they do anything in the
code to limit the number of LWP's but who knows how long that will

OH, so if you've upgraded lately to some of this multi-thread code and
noticed a slow down (mainly if you use tsm client compression) it might be
LWP related.

Dwight E. Cook
Software Application Engineer III
Science Applications International Corporation
509 S. Boston Ave.  Suite 220
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103-4606
Office (918) 732-7109

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