
I had once such a problem and I found that one of my drive had had problems
with cleaning and TSM was unable to read the onsite Volume. The problem is
that TSM had put the "unreadeable" tape to "unavailable" status. I just had
to issue a "upd vol XXXXX acc=readw" and evrything was ok. If this is your
problem, you can try this and if it doesn't work, restore the damaged
volume. This is exactly what copy storage pools are made for.


RGB Technologie
Parc d'Innovation, Batiment PYTHAGORE
11 Rue Jean SAPIDUS
Tél :  03 90 40 60 60
Fax : 03 90 40 60 61

                    Charles Anderson                                                   
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]              
                    MSMED.EDU>               cc:                                       
                    Sent by: "ADSM:          Subject:     Re: Data in offsite pool 
that is not in onsite pool          
                    Dist Stor                                                          
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                  
                    04/09/02 22:54                                                     
                    Please respond to                                                  
                    "ADSM: Dist Stor                                                   


We recently had a couple of tapes that either went bad, or had copies
of files on them marked as bad.  What I would do is look at the actlog
and see what vols reclaimation isn't able to continue on, and then do a
"restore vol VOLSER preview=yes" on that volume. Most of the volumes
that will come up as being needed will be the ones that you see in the
actlog now as being needed, but are offsite.  We brought the tapes from
offsite, checked them in, restored vol without the preview option, and
then checked the offsite vols back out.  It took something like 80 tapes
to restore 5 onsite tapes with bad data.  it was a lot of fun!


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2002/09/03 08:57:30 AM >>>
Our offsite pool reclamation process is calling for tapes that are
as being in the vault (and they actually are). Obviously reclamation
not take place for these volumes, as they are not onsite. First, what
the best way to go about fixing this? Second, what could have gotten
pools out of sync? Any help is much appreciated.
Steve Hicks
CIS System Infrastructure Lead /
AIX Administrator
Knoxville Utilities Board

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