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>>--> 09-01-02  20:36  S.SHEPPARD     (SHS)    UNLOADDB Appears Stuck an

Had the same problem a couple of months ago.  Checked with support and
was told it was a known problem, something about the thread which was
putting out the messages being terminated.  We let it go and eventually
it finished.  Ours was a 12GB DB on (OS/390 R2.10).  Stopped
putting out messages after about 3 hours and finished in 8.

We're now at 4.2.2 but I haven't run unload on this release.

Sam Sheppard
San Diego Data Processing

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>>--> 09-01-02  14:59  ..NETMAIL     (001)     UNLOADDB Appears Stuck an
Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2002 15:55:19 -0400
From: "Seay, Paul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: UNLOADDB Appears Stuck and Will not Continue

Has anyone experience the UNLOADDB to seem to stall for many hours and stop
putting out the UNLOAD messages?

It was running great 1.5M entries per message (about every 10 seconds).
Then just stopped after about 3 hours at 523942500.

Is it running an audit because something is amiss?

Paul D. Seay, Jr.
Technical Specialist
Naptheon Inc.


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