1.  Never run from the virgin CD-release -- always check this list for
issues not documented in the README files;
2.  Read (completely) and follow instructions in the README files and
QUICK-Start manual -- it's all laid out there, just gotta read (and know
what you are reading!).

For 5.1.x, is the current patch level I recommend (else, summary
tables don't have all the data I need to do my job!).

5.1.5 was recently announced, ETA around October.  I'd stay with your 4.2,
maybe upgrade to (I like that patch level on 4.2, especially with
STK SN6000, PowderHorn 9940's and ACSLS in the environment).

Hope this helps.

Don France
Technical Architect -- Tivoli Certified Consultant
Tivoli Storage Manager, WinNT/2K, AIX/Unix, OS/390
San Jose, Ca
(408) 257-3037

Professional Association of Contract Employees
(P.A.C.E. -- www.pacepros.com)

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Crawford, Lindy
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2002 8:13 AM
Subject: TSM Server Upgrade to 5.1

Hi TSMers,

Please can you assist me. How can I go about upgrading my tsm server from
4.2.1 to 5.1 without any glitches ?

Our config is as follows:-

TSM server              : 4.2.1
O/S                     : Windows NT4 SP6a
Devices                 : Magstar 3570 library, IBM 3583 (L18) library

Would I also have to upgrade my clients at the same time ?

Thank you for your assistance.

> Lindy Crawford
> Business Solutions: IT
> BoE Corporate
> *      +27-31-3642185
 <<...OLE_Obj...>>  +27-31-3642946

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