1) Is this client associated with other schedules as well?

2) what is client platform?

3) Are you using POLLING or PROMPTED scheduling?

If you're not sure:

Start the client
Select EDIT -> Preferences
Click the SCHEDULER item

That window will say either POLLING or PROMPTED.

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick W [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2002 9:42 PM
Subject: missing client backup schedule

I am trying to create a tsm client schedule where I will archive straight
to tape (tape pool).  I am using the web interface (TSM 5.1) and am
writing in the options area -archm=CLASSNAME and in the objects field
/directory/*. For some odd reason my client schedule keeps missing.  It
doesnt fail .. but it does miss each time I try and have it run .. anyone
with any ideas?  I am rather new to tsm so let me know if there are any
specific logs I should be looking at because I have checked the ones I
know of.  This is a fresh TSM server and has nothing running on it so I
have left the duration rather low (10 minutes) for testing purposes.  I
can run this command from teh command line and have the data archive
correctly but when I have it scheduled it misses.  If you need more
information by all means email me.

Appreciate the help


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