Just be aware of what lengthening the RESOURCETIMEOUT will do, especially if
you are susceptible to "logpinned" conditions due to slow, long-running

-----Original Message-----
From: David Longo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 8:17 AM
Subject: Re: ANR9999 message Lock acquisition - TSM server

I have server.  Checked and my RESOURCETIMEOUT  is
set to 10.  Looked at manuals and see this is a new option with 4.2.
There is only a small paragraph about this.  What RESOURCES is this
talking about and what are the implications of changing?

It's probably not tape mounts as I can have a process waiting on a tape
that's being used by another process for well over 10 minutes. (No problem
with that, just know it doesn't apply to tape mounts.)

David Longo

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/15/02 08:47AM >>>
I had the same problem after upgrading from 3.74 tp 5.11 on AIX 4.3. The fix
is to change the resource time out in the TSM server's dsmserv.opt file to
60 the default is 10. Hope this helps you out.

Senior TSM consultant

Richard Menides

-----Original Message-----
From: Gerhard Rentschler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 7:38 AM
Subject: Re: ANR9999 message Lock acquisition - TSM server

this is obviously a known problem. See the discussion a few days earlier
with subject " Expiration problem with TSM on AIX 4.3.3".
I opened PMR 88563,070,724 on July 31st. First I was advised to upgrade to This didn't change anything. Then I had to supply diagnostic
information. According to the web interface to Tivoli problem management the
problem was closed on August 6th without any further information. I haven't
got any new information since  this day.
Best regards

Gerhard Rentschler            email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Regional Computing Center     tel.   ++49/711/685 5806
University of Stuttgart       fax:   ++49/711/682357
Allmandring 30a
D 70550

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> MC Matt Cooper (2838)
> Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 1:22 PM
> Subject: Re: ANR9999 message Lock acquisition - TSM server
> Uh oh,   I just went from 4.1.5  to 5.1.1 Monday, z/OS 1.1.
> This morning I
> am looking at my EXPIRATION process was hung and a backup of local tape to
> the copytape is hung and it all started with very similar message..
> Matt
> ANR0538I A resource waiter has been aborted.
> ANR0538I A resource waiter has been aborted.
> ANR1224E BACKUP STGPOOL: Process 23 terminated - lock conflict.
> ANR0538I A resource waiter has been aborted.
> ANR0538I A resource waiter has been aborted.
> ANR9999D IMFS(3566): ThreadId<656> Lock conflict error in obtaining sLock
> for
> ANR9999D node 499, filespace 35
> ANR0986I Process 23 for BACKUP STORAGE POOL running in the BACKGROUND
> processed
> ANR0986I 3603 items for a total of 970,174,464 bytes with a
> completion state
> of
> ANR0986I FAILURE at 06:06:44.
> ANR9999D IMFS(3566): ThreadId<662> Lock conflict error in obtaining sLock
> for
> ANR9999D node 499, filespace 35
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nilsson Niklas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 2:25 AM
> Subject: SV: ANR9999 message Lock acquisition - TSM server
> Good morning...
> Im testing (testfix) on OS/390 but still I've got these locks...
> Going to take it up with support.
> Regards Niklas
> -----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
> Fren: Brian L. Nick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Skickat: den 14 augusti 2002 16:16
> Dmne: ANR9999 message Lock acquisition - TSM server
> Good morning,
>  We are running TSM on OS/390 2.10 and are having several issues.
> One of these is poor performance since upgrading from to
> Also we are receiving the following error message after issuing an update
> storage pool command:
> ANR9999D SSUTIL(943): ThreadId<15401> Lock acquisition (ixLock) failed for
> SS
> universe lock.
> ANR2753I (DAILY_APL_MIGRATION_AVOID):Command failed - lock conflict.
>  This condition seems to occur when we are in a heavy backup period, which
> since upgrading to is very often. I need to test before
> upgrading to that release, we applied the fix level at the
> recommendation of Tivoli even thought was available.  Is anyone
> running on OS/390 2.10 and if so have you run into any gotcha's?
>  Thanks for  any input.
>  - Brian
> Brian L. Nick
> Systems Technician - Storage Solutions
> The Phoenix Companies Inc.
> 100 Bright Meadow Blvd
> Enfield CT. 06082-1900
> PHONE:   (860)403-2281

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