You might also look at the listserv archives at  This has been
covered before, obviously, and I believe there have been several very good


Kelly J. Lipp
Storage Solutions Specialists, Inc.
PO Box 51313
Colorado Springs, CO 80949
Fax: (240)539-7175

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Rafael Mendez
Sent: Friday, August 02, 2002 1:16 AM
Subject: Re: Compare TSM/Legato and Veritas

In my opinion (I have used Legato and TSM not Veritas) each storage product
has its advantages and disadvantages.
Legato is easy to install and configure but when you have very new devices,
Legato is not the best. Also, i do not trust in Legato support.

TSM is in my opinion the most powerful storage software but is hard to
understand how it works.  You need to study very much and sometimes TSM
require too much effort.

Legato could be installed over a small network(for that reason you have
three different versions of Legato Server) but I do not think is a good idea
to install TSM if you have small network.

Legato on Solaris is very good like TSM on AIX( I am not telling Legato and
TSM installed over other OS work badly).
Installing Legato maybe you do not need to have a Legato Admin but I am sure
that TSM needs allways an administrator.

So, this is just my point of view and I am concious that many people could
disagree with me.


to: "Ramnarayan, Sean A [EDS]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
date: 8/1/2002 10:12:13 AM
subject: Compare TSM/Legato and Veritas

> Hi


> I have been asked by management to do a report/difference on the technical
specifications (very brief) of these products :

>                       Legato

>                       TSM

>                       Veritas


> Has anyone done this before as I just need a guide line as where to go on
the Internet to find this info.



> Thks

> Sean Ramnarayan

> EDS (South Africa)





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