Are you referring to the "file grew with compression and unable to allocate additional space" problem when going to cached diskpools ? ? ? If so, run with client settings "compression yes" "compressalways no", if the file grows with compression it will be sent uncompressed. (famous last words...)
Had this bite me in the @$$ with TDP/R3... because they switched and started to ignore the client's compressalways setting. in TDP/R3 they have started to pre-allocate at 110% actual client size over on the tsm server and generally this is enough to cover files that grow with compression... IN THE EVENT this isn't enough, there is an environment variable XINT_TSMOFFSET which has a default value of 10 (the extra 10% of pre-allocation to occur) I don't know if the Domino agent ignores the client's compressalways setting like the TDP/R3... and if it does, I don't know if Tivoli is going to roll out this XINT_TSMOFFSET environment variable... Uhmmm, this environment variable is in a Unix client environment... Try checking your "compressalways" setting and if it is no/off, try it with on/yes and see if that works to let you get back to using a cached diskpool... remember, you'll need a run or two to get the diskpool filled back with cached copies of files before you can really know if things will work or not. Dwight -----Original Message----- From: Bruce Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 5:36 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: TDP's (RMAN and DOMINO). All, Two questions to ask regarding experiences with API's. I'd like some feedback if possible before pursuing PMR's and Enhancement Requests.. RMAN for Oracle.. When 'cach migrated files' is set a primary disk pool, RMAN is unable to work out 'real space' in the the pool when 'caching' is relatively high. This results in failures of RMAN backups. Local fix --Turn off disk caching in Primary pool. We like to have one primary backup pool to service Backup and Rman , and one primary archive pool on disk. The backup pool we want cached where possible (which currently cant be achieved on servers using RMAN). The KISS principle applies here... We do not want to segregate down to further storage pools. Is anyone else seeing this , and would you like to see it resolved???? TDP for Domino.. We are using W2L on X Series IBM H/w as a platform for this.. We devolve the restoration to the 'mail team' who have some serious issues with the GUI, and are having to 'resort' to the command line to achieve restores. I quote from the team ... Hopefully you are aware of the limitation of the GUI and in particular that it only allows overwrite restores. We need the capability to restore to a separate location and the current practice of PC DUO and command line driven restores is unacceptable. One of the issues that is causing GUI problems is too many mailboxes for the m/c's memory space.. Tivoli stated this would be addressed at the next PTF for Domino.. Again, is anyone else seeing this , and would you like to see it resolved???? Tel: +44(0) 207 547 4917 Mobile +44(0) 7768 361-885 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Group mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- This e-mail may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient (or have received this e-mail in error) please notify the sender immediately and destroy this e-mail. Any unauthorized copying, disclosure or distribution of the material in this e-mail is strictly forbidden.