> I am running TSM 4.2.0 and one of my nodes is a Domino Server on Windows > 2000. I am running TDP for Lotus Domino Ver 1 Rel 1 to do backups of our > Domino databases and mail files. I am getting a few failures for the same > mail files all the time. Log says > > Backup of mail\tross.nsf failed. > Compres(RC155) sTDP Domino NT ACD5200 TDP for Lotus Domino: Starting > backup of database mail\tross.nsf from server MSAKL66. > > and I am getting ANE4993. > > Anybody knows about this? Thanks.
Rodolfo, Make sure you are at the latest version of TDP for Domino (1.1.2). RC155 means that the you asked for the database to be compressed and it failed because it grew during compression. TDP for Domino 1.1.2 has code that will retry the backup non-compressed in that situation. This was fixed in APAR IC29610: A backup of a database or a transaction log fails because the data grows during compression. The code has been changed so that the database or transaction log backup will be retried without compression. Note: The backup is retried only if the COMPRESSAlways option is set to NO. To avoid the problem, use something like this: EXCLUDE.COMPRESSION mail6\user1.nsf.* (make sure you put the "*" at the end) The 1.1.2 of the User's Guide explains this in more detail. Thanks, Del ---------------------------------------------------- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Never cut what can be untied. - Commit yourself to constant improvement.