When doing "move drmedia * wherestate=mountable" it does.  It checks
them out of the library.  I don't believe there is a way to check them
out with this command without "checklabel".
David Longo

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/29/02 10:05AM >>>
'move drm' should not actually look at any tapes. This command updates the database 


Miles Purdy 
System Manager
Farm Income Programs Directorate
Winnipeg, MB, CA
ph: (204) 984-1602 fax: (204) 983-7557

"If you hold a UNIX shell up to your ear, can you hear the C?"

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 29-Jul-02 12:25:57 AM >>>
How can I prevent my 3583 library to check barcode labels when using "move 
drmedia" command. 
I could not find checklabel option in the command help. 

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