What data rates are you getting?
What type of files are you backing up, big (over 1G), small (less than 50K),
filesystem, databases?
Is the TSM database on the same volume group as the diskpools?
Is the data you are backing up on the same volume group as the TSM stuff?
You could be destroying your disk cache hit ratio.  Does the disk have any
performance monitoring tools to look at this.
How many paths do you have to the disk?

Paul D. Seay, Jr.
Technical Specialist
Naptheon Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Freeman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 12:01 PM
Subject: diskpool performance

Please could someone advise me on the following issue we have with tsm. I am
a TSM novice and would appreciate some pointers etc.

Environment :  TSM 4.2.0  AIX4.3.3 ML09 Server and Client on same Server
using Sharedmem

2 Stgpools defined diskpool and tapepool

we have created a diskpool on RAID5 and created random access volumes Total
Diskpool size is 150GB. Our nextpool is tapepool for migration upon high
thresholds being reached.

We have compression turned off on the client  and set the selftune
parameters in dsmserv.sys SELFTUNEBUF

Issue:  IF we initiate a client backup using sharedmem to the diskpool, it
seems to take the same time as it does to backup the client straight to
tapepool. I would have thought the diskpool access would be quicker ?

The Diskpool is located on direct fibre attached storage with large
read/write cache. The tapepool is SCSI attached ATL library with 2 drives

Any suggestions or pointers to increase the throughput to a respectable
level would be appreciated.

kind regards
steve freeman

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