Known Problem.  Call Support.

Paul D. Seay, Jr.
Technical Specialist
Naptheon, INC

-----Original Message-----
From: Linda Seeba [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 4:19 PM
Subject: Select Command problems with TSM 5.1.1

Environment:  AIX 4.3.3   TSM 5.1.1 Server Code

Prior to TSM 5.1.1 I was able to get statistics for backups from the Summary
table using the select command. Since upgrading the Server code to 5.1.1 the
summary table no longer contains information for backup activity. When I do
select commands against the Summary table I can still see the backup
information from before the upgrade, but there is no backup information in
the Summary table after the upgrades.

Linda Seeba                               Phone: (314) 234-5190
I/T Specialist - Sr                      Fax: (314) 232-4581
IBM Global Services               E-Mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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