Here my problem. On backup, the session get lost. Setup Server : TSM Server Version 4, Release 2, Level 2.0 ( Windows Version NT 4.0 ) Setup Client : TSM Novell NetWare( Ver. 4.11 ) Backup-Archive Client Version 4 Release 1, Level 3
Here a log example : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07/09/2002 23:43:08 --- SCHEDULEREC OBJECT BEGIN BACKUP_23_45 07/09/2002 23:45:00 ... 07/10/2002 01:28:55 ANS1809E Session is lost; initializing session reopen procedure. 07/10/2002 01:29:15 ... failed 07/10/2002 01:34:16 ANS1809E Session is lost; initializing session reopen procedure. 07/10/2002 01:34:37 ... successful 07/10/2002 01:34:44 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS BEGIN 07/10/2002 01:34:44 07/10/2002 01:34:44 07/10/2002 01:34:44 Total number of objects inspected: 48,465 07/10/2002 01:34:44 Total number of objects backed up: 386 07/10/2002 01:34:44 Total number of objects updated: 73 07/10/2002 01:34:44 Total number of objects rebound: 0 07/10/2002 01:34:44 Total number of objects deleted: 0 07/10/2002 01:34:44 Total number of objects expired: 85 07/10/2002 01:34:44 Total number of objects failed: 0 07/10/2002 01:34:44 Total number of bytes transferred: 69.37 MB 07/10/2002 01:34:44 Data transfer time: 5,064.39 sec 07/10/2002 01:34:44 Network data transfer rate: 14.02 KB/sec 07/10/2002 01:34:44 Aggregate data transfer rate: 10.61 KB/sec 07/10/2002 01:34:44 Objects compressed by: 14% 07/10/2002 01:34:44 Elapsed processing time: 01:51:34 07/10/2002 01:34:44 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS END 07/10/2002 01:34:44 ANS1369W Session Rejected: The session was canceled by the server administrator. 07/10/2002 01:34:44 --- SCHEDULEREC OBJECT END BACKUP_23_45 07/09/2002 23:45:00 ... 07/10/2002 01:34:44 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'BACKUP_23_45' failed. Return code = 4. 07/10/2002 01:34:44 Sending results for scheduled event 'BACKUP_23_45'. 07/10/2002 01:34:45 Results sent to server for scheduled event 'BACKUP_23_45'. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here the connexion setting from dsm.opt ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMMETHOD TCPip TCPSERVERADDRESS TCPPORT 1500 compression yes LARGECOMmbuffers YES tcpbuffsize 64 tcpwindowsize 64 txnbytelimit 2097152 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here the dsmserv.opt ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TCPNODELAY YES TXNGroupmax 256 COMMTimeout 600 IDLETimeout 60 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sometime i get more than one "ANS1809E Session is lost - Successful " before i get a reopen procedure failed. I always get a " ANS1369W Session Rejected: The session was canceled by the server administrator" after that. I read somewhere that putting a higher number for the COMMTimeout ( 600 sec ) and IDLETimeout ( 60 mins ) can resolve my problem.. But is't really all i can do ? I've found nothing about SESSION Timeout.. How can I set my connexion ? Can you help me ? Im a little green with TSM right now, but i try to figure it all. RTFM is my motto, but the boss here don't seems to have the time I need to read it all ... If you can push me on the right direction.. Thx