I don't know what "restore gen or gem backupset" is, but I used:

dsmc restore backupset backupsetname.xxxxxxxx
"\\server\d$\directories\subdirectory\another subdir\and another\really long
file name so the whole path requires quotes.xls" c:\temp\

This normally works with no other -switches.

My problem is that it starts the restore by building the folders in the
c:\temp and then hangs, I've waited 28 hours before canceling. I can use the
same line with *.xls and it starts to restore some of the other Excel files
from the backupset but stops when it reaches the specific file that I need.

My question is this, is there any other switch that I can use to create a
log or watch file so I can get more information on the restore backupset
job? Or is there something else that I can try assuming that the tape has a
bad spot or section on it?

Any help is appreciated.


-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Ouzen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 1:47 AM
Subject: Restore gem backup set


I run a restore gen backupset gen_novtst.XXXXXXXXXXX -su=yes -rep=all

and got  a window to Select an appropriate  action
   1. Force an overwrite for this object
   2. Force an overwrite on all objects that are write protected
   3 .Skip this object
   4. Skip all the objects that are write protected
   A. Abort this operation
Action (1,2,3,4,A):

I first type 2 but  continue to ask me again and again till I choose the
option 4.

I thought if I put -rep=all It will not ask for anything or at least if I
chose option 2 once it will continue , but no ....................

Any ideas !!!!!!!!!!!!!

T.I.A  Regards Robert Ouzen

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