With old versions ( client, TDP for Exchange, Exchange 5.5,
TSM 4.2 server) we have gotten 30 MB/sec on Exchange backups (fairly low end
servers)on 15GB Database.

Tim Rushforth
City of Winnipeg

-----Original Message-----
From: Burton, Robert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 9:58 AM
Subject: Exchange file performance

Hi All,

I am running TSM server, TSM BA Client, TDP for Exchange and Exchange 2000. I noticed that when I backup the exchange
database using TDP or BA client I only get approximately 8mb/sec aggregate.
So I created a file of the same size, 1.4gb, and I got 25mb/sec aggregate. 

Has anyone encountered a performance difference such this when backing up
Exchange files? 

Wesley Mofford
Enterprise Storage Network Analyst 
Royal Bank of Canada 
315 Front St West 
Toronto, On, M5V 3A4 
* 416-348-4547 

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