Have you tried a audit on the volume? Paul D. Seay, Jr. Technical Specialist Naptheon, INC 757-688-8180
-----Original Message----- From: Lawrence Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Monday, July 01, 2002 1:57 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: End of Service for Server 4.2 Hi: I have a volume in an odd state: VOLUME_NAME STGPOOL_NAME ACCESS PCT_UTILIZED PCT_RECLAIM 000324 OFFSITEVOLS READWRITE 0 99.9 As one of the offsite being returned it will not return to the scratch pool. If I do a move data, the message returns ANR2209W Volume 000324 contains no data. ANS8001I Return code 11. However, if I do a del volume I get a: ANS8001I Return code 13. 07/01/02 13:55:24 ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN issued command: DELETE VOLUME 000324 discard=yes 07/01/02 13:55:24 ANR2406E DELETE VOLUME: Volume 000324 still contains data. There no getting rid of it! Any suggestions? *******************************************************