Are you seeing any I/O errors on these tapes or errors on
the drives?  What type of process was mounting the tapes -
backup stg, reclamation etc.?
David Longo

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/20/02 11:17AM >>>
I couldn't find an APAR that describes what we have been seeing
on our (AIX 4.3.3) server during the last few weeks
so I was wondering if we have discovered new bug.

First we got this message in the activity log:

06/09/02   10:39:38  ANR1229W Volume 000591 cannot be backed up - volume is
                      offline or access mode is "unavailable" or "destroyed".

We did a 'q vol f=d'. The access mode of the volume was 'Available'
so we dismissed it as a freak incident until the message repeated
itself the next day.

This time we opened the (3494) library and verified that the
volume was in the correct cell.

We tried a 'restore volume' followed by a 'delete volume'.
The delete failed:

ANR2405E DELETE VOLUME: Volume 000591 is currently in use by
clients and/or data management operations.
ANS8001I Return code 14.

At that time there were no processes or sessions that used
that particular volume. Also we had four other volumes
that displayed the same behaviour.
We halted the server and restarted it again which solved
the problem. The volumes were no longer 'in use'.
Today we noticed two other volumes that seem to have
the same problem so I'm beginning to suspect that I've found
a bug in the server.

All these volumes have one thing in common: When I seacrh
the activity log for their mounts and dismounts I can't
find a dismount message after their last mount (before they
become 'unavailable'). It is as if the volumes are unmounted
by the library but TSM isn't being notified of this.

Anyone seen this before?


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