Make sure that none of the 'primary' pool for the data on the offsite
volumes are in a DISK storage pool. Especially the target of the DIRMC
mgmtclass and then copying this data into the offsite pool with the rest of
the data. This is a 'feature', 'working as designed' in the reclamation
processes that if the primary copy of the data is on a DISK random-access
storage pool, then the file(s) are processed 1 at a time and each file is a
transaction. None of the MOVEBATCHSIZE stuff for this process... Do you
maybe have CACHE=YES for the disk storage pool(s)? Even though the data has
been migrated to onsite tape pool, the most primary copy of the data still
could reside in the disk storage pool. For the whole MOVEBATSIZE-stuff to
work, the primary copy needs to be on a sequetial storage pool.

Also, what are you using to control the offsite volume movement? Offsite
volumes won't go back to SCRATCH until you update their access from OFFSITE.
Until then they stay PENDING.

Another misconception is that setting the RECLAMMATION threshold back high
does not actually stop the currently running reclamation process. For onsite
pools, when the current reclamation task ends, no new reclamation tasks
should start back up, especially if you put it back to 100%. For offsite,
since the reclamation task is doing all volumes that were identified when
the process started, it will run to completion...whenever that is. If you
want to actually stop reclamation, set the RECLAIM= back to 100% ( of just
higher than any volumes' reclamation %) and then cancel the process.

Bill Boyer
DSS, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Miles Purdy
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 9:37 AM
Subject: Re: Slow Reclamation - And a need for speed...

Also make sure that:
1. you are NOT using 'collocation' on your COPYPOOL.
2. check the  'Delay Period for Volume Reuse'
3. run expire inventory
4. Define two admin schedules to control reclamation. One to start, one to
stop. But set the 'stop' to 99%. I'd set the 'start' to at least 75% - ie. 4
to 1.

tsm: UNXR>q stg offsite f=d

               Storage Pool Name: OFFSITE
               Storage Pool Type: Copy
               Device Class Name: 3580
         Estimated Capacity (MB): 92 287 026.6
                        Pct Util: 2.8
                        Pct Migr:
                     Pct Logical: 98.5
                    High Mig Pct:
                     Low Mig Pct:
                 Migration Delay:
              Migration Continue:
             Migration Processes:
               Next Storage Pool:
            Reclaim Storage Pool:
          Maximum Size Threshold:
                          Access: Read/Write
                     Description: Nisa Offsite Copy Storage Pool
               Overflow Location:
           Cache Migrated Files?:
                       Collocate: No
           Reclamation Threshold: 99
 Maximum Scratch Volumes Allowed: 500
   Delay Period for Volume Reuse: 1 Day(s)
          Migration in Progress?:
            Amount Migrated (MB):
Elapsed Migration Time (seconds):
        Reclamation in Progress?: No
 Volume Being Migrated/Reclaimed:
  Last Update by (administrator): PURDYM
           Last Update Date/Time: 06/12/02   14:00:23
        Storage Pool Data Format: Native

tsm: UNXR>q sched EXPIRE_INVENTORY t=a f=d

                 Schedule Name: EXPIRE_INVENTORY
                   Description: Expire server objects which are older than
retention period
                       Command: expire inventory du=100
                      Priority: 2
               Start Date/Time: 03/06/02   10:15:00
                      Duration: 5 Minute(s)
                        Period: 1 Day(s)
                   Day of Week: Weekday
                       Active?: Yes
Last Update by (administrator): PURDYM
         Last Update Date/Time: 03/08/02   11:06:43
              Managing profile:

tsm: UNXR>q sched START_RECLAIM_OFFSITE t=a f=d

                 Schedule Name: START_RECLAIM_OFFSITE
                   Description: Reclaim tape space that expire inventory has
                       Command: upd stg offsite reclaim=89
                      Priority: 4
               Start Date/Time: 03/06/02   12:00:00
                      Duration: 60 Minute(s)
                        Period: 1 Day(s)
                   Day of Week: Weekday
                       Active?: Yes
Last Update by (administrator): PURDYM
         Last Update Date/Time: 06/10/02   11:53:34
              Managing profile:

tsm: UNXR>q sched RESET_RECLAIM_OFFSITE t=a f=d

                 Schedule Name: RESET_RECLAIM_OFFSITE
                   Description: Reset reclaim value
                       Command: upd stg offsite reclaim=99
                      Priority: 3
               Start Date/Time: 01/04/00   14:00:00
                      Duration: 5 Minute(s)
                        Period: 1 Day(s)
                   Day of Week: Weekday
                       Active?: Yes
Last Update by (administrator): PURDYM
         Last Update Date/Time: 02/19/02   14:25:50
              Managing profile:


Miles Purdy
System Manager
Farm Income Programs Directorate
Winnipeg, MB, CA
ph: (204) 984-1602 fax: (204) 983-7557

"If you hold a UNIX shell up to your ear, can you hear the C?"

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/11/02 03:33PM >>>
TSM 4.1.3 on NT 4, 2 LTO drives in IBM 18 tape library.  Single SCSI chain.

We run reclamation what seems like all day every day, but tapes don't
seem to free up in a timely manner.  And our offsite tapes are 'growing'.
We have been using TSM for about a year with 60 day retention, and have
only added two (small) clients in the last 2 months.

The pool for onsite TAPEPOOL (that stays in the library) and COPYPOOL
that goes off site.  The number of tapes in the COPYPOOL (offsite) seem to
growing greater than what would seem reasonable given the size of the

Lately I have stopped reclamation and done a 'move data' of some of the
lowest use volumes that are offsite, and now they are marked 'pending'.

Our current schedule is:
  Weekdays 1300 till 2000 - update stgpool COPYPOOL rec=20
  Weekdays 0900 till 1300 - update stgpool TAPEPOOL rec=10
  Saturday 0800 till 2000 - update stgpool TAPEPOOL rec=10
  Sunday 0800 till 2200 - update stgpool COPYPOOL rec=20

Would it be a good idea to up the recovery percent?

Should I possibly do copypool on MWF from 0900-2000 then
tapedata on TTh instead of some on each day?



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