Hello Again,

Before this thread gets away from me, let me say a few things.

1.  From the email postings to this group it appears that the IBM LTO drive
is what most people use if they are using LTO.  I understand that IBM makes
a fine product and it gives me warm and fuzzies if I had a chance to choose
the IBM LTO drive.  Also from the postings, IBM has had it share of
teething pains in the earlier days of this technology.

2.  I guess I would really like to hear from the people on this list
(whoever you are) who chose a library with the Seagate or the HP LTO drives
and what their experiences have been, good or bad.  If no one on this list
has purchased tape libraries with Seagate or HP LTO drives then that is
telling also.

Sorry if my previous post was not focused enough.

Marc Taylor

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