Or, instead of exporting and importing (and after upgrading), just restore
the database to the new server (after emptying all the disk storage pools
to tape), define the old library and new, (and new disk storage pools) then
migrate the tapes.  (My experience is with AIX, also.)  If you have
external SSA, the method Paul suggests works well, too.


                    Paul Zarnowski
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]       To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                    RNELL.EDU>                 cc:
                    Sent by: "ADSM: Dist       Subject:     Re: ADSM 3.1 to 4.2.1 
                    Stor Manager"
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                    06/12/2002 05:43 PM
                    Please respond to
                    "ADSM: Dist Stor

Your plan sounds good.  You didn't say what OS you were running.  We run
AIX, and rather than export the DB and import it on the new server, we just
export the volume groups on the old server, move them to the new server
(recable), and them import the volume groups on the new server.  Make sure
you know what you're doing if you do this, and no matter what you do, make
sure you have good backups before you start.

At 04:19 PM 6/12/2002 -0500, Marc D. Taylor wrote:
>Hello Again,
>Since we are getting a new library we are also getting new server hardware
>and going to TSM 4.2.1 (5 will be later).  Therefore, we have a 2 way
>upgrade (old software to new software, old server to new server).
>I gave TSM support a call and asked what their recommended procedure was
>and I found out that they really don't have any, but the tech support guy
>who responded gave me a procedure that he says has worked for others.
>In our case, we need to upgrade the OS on the old server (still at 4.2.1)
>to 4.3.3. Do an update install of TSM on top of what we have now.  Export
>the database after it has been transformed by the update/install to tape.
>Take the export tape and import it into the new server (along with the old
>tape libraries).  Then migrate the data from the old library to the new
>Is this what others have done?  I have seen snippets of other things being
>done,  but usually it appears that server hardware remained the same.
>TIA for all of your comments.
>Marc D. Taylor
>Research Programmer
>Beckman Institute Systems Services
>Room 1714
>Office:  217-244-7373, Fax:  217-333-8206

Paul Zarnowski                         Ph: 607-255-4757
747 Rhodes Hall, Cornell University    Fx: 607-255-8521
Ithaca, NY 14853-3801                  Em: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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