Hi all!

I've been having a problem, just as Michael Lightfoot related on april 99
with title "ADSM API and DB2 backups ".
My db2 v7.1 online backups on AIX have been working succesfully for 3 days,
but now, I get the following error.

 SQL2062N  An error occurred while accessing media
  "/export/home/db21s/sqllib/adsm/libadsm.a".  Reason code: "610".

Just as Michael Explained, the problem doesn't seem to be due to
unavailabilty of the dsmclientV3.cat file (everythig had worked fine at the
beginning). Following, the instructions of IBM

Explanation: The system is unable to open the message txt file
     (dscameng.txt or dsmclientV3.cat for AIX). On the AS/400 platform this

     System Action: The system returns to the calling procedure.

     User Response: Verify that the dscameng.txt file is in the directory
pointed to by DSMI_DIR. For AIX, verify that the dsmclientV3.cat file has a
symbolic link /usr/lib/nls/msg/<locale>/dsmclientV3.cat .

Answering this problem, there was a solution porpoused, but it has'nt worked
in my case.

Anyone has another idea?

Thanks in advance,


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