TSM Server on Solaris 2.8
TSM Client 5.1.0 on Linux 2.4

Test system.. primary disk pool filled up almost but not quite to hit the hi
threshold of 90 that would start a migration.. yet I notice backups are now
going to tape instead of the diskpool. What gives? Theres no Max size
threshold that would cause the files to go to tape due to size. Why are the
backups going to tape instead of filling the disk pool up to it's hi of 90?

tsm: SERVER1>q stg

Storage      Device       Estimated    Pct    Pct  High  Low  Next Stora-
Pool Name    Class Name    Capacity   Util   Migr   Mig  Mig  ge Pool
                               (MB)                 Pct  Pct
-----------  ----------  ----------  -----  -----  ----  ---  -----------
ARCHIVEPOOL  DISK           1,030.0   17.5   17.5    90   70
BACKUPPOOL   DISK         122,891.0   82.6   82.6    90   70  TAPEPOOL
SPACEMGPOOL  DISK               0.0    0.0    0.0    90   70
TAPEPOOL     DC.LIB_TA-   350,000.0    7.9   40.0    90   70

tsm: SERVER1>q stg backuppool f=d

               Storage Pool Name: BACKUPPOOL
               Storage Pool Type: Primary
               Device Class Name: DISK
         Estimated Capacity (MB): 122,891.0
                        Pct Util: 82.6
                        Pct Migr: 82.6
                     Pct Logical: 100.0
                    High Mig Pct: 90
                     Low Mig Pct: 70
                 Migration Delay: 0
              Migration Continue: Yes
             Migration Processes: 1
               Next Storage Pool: TAPEPOOL
            Reclaim Storage Pool:
          Maximum Size Threshold: No Limit
                          Access: Read/Write
               Overflow Location:
           Cache Migrated Files?: No
           Reclamation Threshold:
 Maximum Scratch Volumes Allowed:
   Delay Period for Volume Reuse:
          Migration in Progress?: Yes
            Amount Migrated (MB): 0.00
Elapsed Migration Time (seconds): 110
        Reclamation in Progress?:
 Volume Being Migrated/Reclaimed:
  Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN
           Last Update Date/Time: 06/07/02   01:42:37
        Storage Pool Data Format: Native

tsm: SERVER1>

tsm: SERVER1>q sess f=d

              Sess Number: 317
             Comm. Method: Tcp/Ip
               Sess State: Run
                Wait Time: 0 S
               Bytes Sent: 3.4 M
              Bytes Recvd: 107
                Sess Type: Admin
                 Platform: SUN SOLARIS
              Client Name: ADMIN
      Media Access Status:
                User Name:
Date/Time First Data Sent:

              Sess Number: 12,105
             Comm. Method: Tcp/Ip
               Sess State: RecvW
                Wait Time: 0 S
               Bytes Sent: 1.1 K
              Bytes Recvd: 3.7 G
                Sess Type: Node
                 Platform: Linux86
              Client Name: CYGNUS-PRI-
      Media Access Status: Current output volume: LABEL.LIB_TAPE_1.4.
                User Name:
Date/Time First Data Sent: 06/06/02   21:43:58

              Sess Number: 12,110
             Comm. Method: Tcp/Ip
               Sess State: RecvW
                Wait Time: 0 S
               Bytes Sent: 489
              Bytes Recvd: 841.3 M
                Sess Type: Node
                 Platform: Linux86
              Client Name: CYGNUS-PRI-
      Media Access Status: Current output volume: LABEL.LIB_TAPE_1.5.
                User Name:
Date/Time First Data Sent: 06/06/02   22:47:14

              Sess Number: 12,113
             Comm. Method: Tcp/Ip
               Sess State: MediaW
                Wait Time: 2.8 H
               Bytes Sent: 378
              Bytes Recvd: 16.1 M
                Sess Type: Node
                 Platform: Linux86
              Client Name: CYGNUS-PRI-
      Media Access Status: Waiting for mount point in device class
more...   (<ENTER> to continue, 'C' to cancel)

                            DC.LIB_TAPE_1 (10246 seconds).
                User Name:
Date/Time First Data Sent: 06/06/02   22:53:52

              Sess Number: 12,140
             Comm. Method: Tcp/Ip
               Sess State: IdleW
                Wait Time: 1.8 H
               Bytes Sent: 2.7 K
              Bytes Recvd: 1.0 K
                Sess Type: Node
                 Platform: Linux86
              Client Name: CYGNUS-PRI-
      Media Access Status:
                User Name:
Date/Time First Data Sent:

              Sess Number: 12,141
             Comm. Method: Tcp/Ip
               Sess State: MediaW
                Wait Time: 1.8 H
               Bytes Sent: 384
              Bytes Recvd: 4.6 M
                Sess Type: Node
                 Platform: Linux86
              Client Name: CYGNUS-PRI-
      Media Access Status: Waiting for mount point in device class
                            DC.LIB_TAPE_1 (6475 seconds).
                User Name:
Date/Time First Data Sent: 06/06/02   23:56:43

              Sess Number: 12,163
             Comm. Method: Tcp/Ip
               Sess State: IdleW
                Wait Time: 1.3 H
               Bytes Sent: 3.0 K
              Bytes Recvd: 1.0 K
                Sess Type: Node
                 Platform: Linux86
              Client Name: CYGNUS-PRI-
      Media Access Status:
                User Name:
Date/Time First Data Sent:

              Sess Number: 12,164
             Comm. Method: Tcp/Ip
               Sess State: MediaW
                Wait Time: 1.3 H
               Bytes Sent: 384
              Bytes Recvd: 8.2 M
more...   (<ENTER> to continue, 'C' to cancel)

                Sess Type: Node
                 Platform: Linux86
              Client Name: CYGNUS-PRI-
      Media Access Status: Waiting for mount point in device class
                            DC.LIB_TAPE_1 (4528 seconds).
                User Name:
Date/Time First Data Sent: 06/07/02   00:29:11

              Sess Number: 12,188
             Comm. Method: Tcp/Ip
               Sess State: Run
                Wait Time: 0 S
               Bytes Sent: 24.2 K
              Bytes Recvd: 769
                Sess Type: Admin
                 Platform: SUN SOLARIS
              Client Name: ADMIN
      Media Access Status:
                User Name:
Date/Time First Data Sent:

tsm: SERVER1>


Gerald Wichmann
Senior Systems Development Engineer
Zantaz, Inc.
925.598.3099 (w)

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