Here's an alternate . . . select distinct node_name,stgpool_name from occupancy
Also, if you type . . . select * from occupancy . . . you'll get the entire table. Hope this helps. Mahesh >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/29/02 11:18AM >>> I hope this is what you are looking for. select node_name,stgpool_name from occupancy similar to q occup Sung Y. Lee 512-823-1012 Bernard Rosenbloom To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <brosenbl@OPTONLI cc: NE.NET> Subject: SQL statement Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] .EDU> 05/29/2002 10:04 AM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" I have an immediate need to create a list of all my registered nodes and the storage pool(s) each node backs up to. I know almost nothing about creating an SQL statement so if anyone can assist, I would appreciate it very much. Thank You Bernard Rosenbloom [EMAIL PROTECTED]