Hi, we have to create 1 tape, containing exported data from 2 different nodes. For each node we need only one of the file spaces.
Let say we want fsid 1 from node_1 and fsid 12 from node_2 I tried export node node_1,node_2 fsid=1,12 filedata=backupactive devclass=class_name It seems that TSM only export the first node. Using 2 export commands does not help, the 2nd will skip the volume created by the first export ! Help needed, please send any tip ? Regards, René LAMBELET NESTEC SA GLOBE - Global Business Excellence Central Support Center Av. Nestlé 55 CH-1800 Vevey (Switzerland) tél +41 (0)21 924 35 43 fax +41 (0)21 924 12 69 room K4-108 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] This message is intended only for the use of the addressee and may contain information that is privileged and confidential.