
Using NAT seems like a valid solution too, but how about IP spoofing?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Boyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2002 10:00 PM
Subject: Re: Backups through a firewall

> ALso depending on your firewal, you could always NAT the TSM server
> Through the firewall you could assign an OUTSIDE address that gets
> translated to the INSIDE address of the TSM server. You can also put rules
> to limit the connections through port 1500 only to the TSM server address.
> If you change the default port of 1500 for the TSM server you need to
> ALL of your clients to use this new port number. If you use POLLING (which
> the TSM Clients manual says is the only supported schedmode for backups
> firewalls) then you only need the 1500 port open. I wouldn't recomment
> running the CAD server for webclient on those servers outside the
> either. Just gives those hackers another open port to play with...
> Bill Boyer
> DSS, Inc.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Rick Harderwijk
> Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2002 3:44 PM
> Subject: Re: Backups through a firewall
> Hi,
> Wanda wrote:
> > All the firewall guy had to do was create a rull that allows TCP/IP
> traffic
> > through the firewall for port 1500 for the particular client address.
> >
> > If you use SCHEDMODE PROMPTED, I believe you also have to enable port
> 1501.
> > If you want to use the web client to do TSM backups/restores remotely,
> that
> > uses port 1581.
> >
> > All those ports are configurable, i.e., you can tell TSM client and
> > to use different ports if you want
> I would STRONGLY suggest to choose different ports. I believe there's a
> out there, I think it's through IANA (www.iana.org - somebody please
> that) that tells which port is 'registered' . Pick some free ports high
> preferably not next to each other (I would go pick like 7492, 9816 and
> handpicked these :) ). Wouldn't want some h*cker discovering you're using
> 1234 with some sec hole somewhere and let him just try 1235 and 1236, now
> would we?
> But hey, waddah I know, it's just my $.02 - maybe I'm wrong. At least
> someone on the list will tell you, and you'll never forget (and neither
> I).
> Regards,
> Rick

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