did you check output of "q devc f=d"? What is the mount limit and do you
have sufficient mount point?

Samiran Das

                    Wichmann             To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                    <gwichman@ZAN        cc:
                    TAZ.COM>             Subject:     problem with tape library on 
                    Sent by:
                    "ADSM: Dist
                    Stor Manager"
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                    09:47 PM
                    respond to
                    "ADSM: Dist
                    Stor Manager"

Solaris 8, Sun E250, ATL500 tape library (2 drives), TSM 4.2.2

First time getting a tape library working on solaris so I could be doing
something wrong.. this is a test system. anyways it all seemed to work
I tried using the library:

05/21/02   17:01:26    ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN issued command: BACKUP
                        dev=dc.tape.lib_tape_1 type=f

05/21/02   17:01:27    ANR0984I Process 2 for DATABASE BACKUP started in

                        BACKGROUND at 05:01:27 PM.

05/21/02   17:01:27    ANR2280I Full database backup started as process 2.

05/21/02   17:01:47    ANR4571E Database backup/restore terminated -
                        number of mount points available for removable
05/21/02   17:01:47    ANR0985I Process 2 for DATABASE BACKUP running in

                        BACKGROUND completed with completion state FAILURE
                        05:01:47 PM.

tsm: SERVER1>q libr

      Library Name: LIB_TAPE_1
      Library Type: SCSI
            Device: /dev/rmt/7lb
  Private Category:
  Scratch Category:
  External Manager:
            Shared: No

tsm: SERVER1>q dr f=d

                                Library Name: LIB_TAPE_1
                                  Drive Name: LIB_DRIVE_1
                                 Device Type: DLT
                                     On-Line: Yes
                                      Device: /dev/rmt/0mt
                                     Element: 16
                                Allocated to:
              Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN
                       Last Update Date/Time: 05/21/02   17:00:43
Cleaning Frequency (Gigabytes/ASNEEDED/NONE): NONE

                                Library Name: LIB_TAPE_1
                                  Drive Name: LIB_DRIVE_2
                                 Device Type: DLT
                                     On-Line: Yes
                                      Device: /dev/rmt/6mt
                                     Element: 17
                                Allocated to:
              Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN
                       Last Update Date/Time: 05/21/02   17:00:58
Cleaning Frequency (Gigabytes/ASNEEDED/NONE): NONE

bash-2.05# ls -l /dev/rmt
total 36
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          44 May 12 01:13 0mt ->
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          45 May 12 01:13 0mtn ->
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          45 May 12 01:13 0mtt ->
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          42 May 12 01:14 1op ->
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          43 May 12 01:14 1opt ->
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          42 May 12 01:14 2op ->
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          43 May 12 01:14 2opt ->
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          42 May 12 01:14 3op ->
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          43 May 12 01:14 3opt ->
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          42 May 12 01:14 4op ->
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          43 May 12 01:14 4opt ->
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          42 May 12 01:14 5lb ->
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          43 May 12 01:14 5lbt ->
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     other         44 May 18 00:07 6mt ->
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     other         45 May 18 00:07 6mtn ->
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     other         45 May 18 00:07 6mtt ->
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     other         44 May 18 00:09 7lb ->
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     other         45 May 18 00:09 7lbt ->


name="lb" class="scsi"
        target=6 lun=0;
 name="lb" class="scsi"
        target=0 lun=0;


name="mt" class="scsi"
target=1 lun=0;

name="mt" class="scsi"
target=2 lun=0;

Target 0
  Unit 0   Removable Device type 8     ATL     L500     63200000021
Target 1
  Unit 0   Removable Tape     QUANTUM DLT7000         2560
Target 2
  Unit 0   Removable Tape     QUANTUM DLT7000         2560

It is sorta working I guess as the checkin command did check In some

tsm: SERVER1>q libv

Library Name   Volume Name   Status       Owner        Last Use    Home
------------   -----------   ----------   ----------   ---------
LIB_TAPE_1     LABEL.LIB_-   Scratch                               256


LIB_TAPE_1     LABEL.LIB_-   Scratch                               257


LIB_TAPE_1     LABEL.LIB_-   Scratch                               258


LIB_TAPE_1     LABEL.LIB_-   Scratch                               263


LIB_TAPE_1     LABEL.LIB_-   Scratch                               264


LIB_TAPE_1     LABEL.LIB_-   Scratch                               265


tsm: SERVER1>

Any ideas anyone?


Gerald Wichmann
Senior Systems Development Engineer
Zantaz, Inc.
925.598.3099 (w)

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