Has anyone had a look at a new feature in the TSM5.1 server code that
gives you the facility to consolidate a nodes data - either on filespace
level or node level?
This will address the multiple tapes that a client's data can end up
on over an extended period of time.
For those that do not know about it, it is a new admin command called
move nodedata ....


I am sure TSM will wait. And while we're on this subject, we are looking at
Disaster Recovery plans and the path we must take using TSM to recover a
couple hundred servers.  It looks bleak.

We are finding that, due to incremental forever backups, recovery times are
extremely long because of tape mount after tape mount after tape mount. In a
real disaster, we expect to take an entire day or more to recover a single
server. With a limited number of tape drives the recovery time required for
100 servers could take weeks.

Has anyone else run into this dilemma? What is TSM's direction? How can I
speed up the recovery process?

John G. Talafous              IS Technical Principal
The Timken Company            Global Software Support
P.O. Box 6927                 Data Management
1835 Dueber Ave. S.W.         Phone: (330)-471-3390
Canton, Ohio USA  44706-0927  Fax  : (330)-471-4034
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           http://www.timken.com

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