Thanks, I'm doing this now.



> The different BMC SQL Backtrack packages are developed by different folks
> so there is NO single answer to your question. I use SQL Backtrack for
> Informix and when I get to the point where this becomes an issue, I will
> call 1-800-537-1813 (BMC support) and talk to the SQL Backtrack for
> Informix team and ask them about their interoperability testing. In
> the shared library stuff that TSM does should work with anyone else's XBSA
> library (as provided by BMC).
> George Lesho
> System/Storage Admin
> AFC Enterprises
>                       "Anderson F.
>                       Nobre"                   To:
>                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        cc:       (bcc: George
>                       OM.BR>                   Subject:  TSM 5.1 and
Backtrack compatibility
>                       Sent by: "ADSM:
>                       Dist Stor
>                       Manager"
>                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                       .EDU>
>                       05/14/2002 01:45
>                       AM
>                       Please respond to
>                       "ADSM: Dist Stor
>                       Manager"
> Hi all,
> Does any body know where I can find information about TSM 5.1
> with BackTrack/OBSI?
> Regards,
> Anderson

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