> My question point to this:
> To restore exchange I need one fullbackup or one fullbackup and a set of
> incrementals or one differential backup.
> However, I need one fullbackup. How can I or TDP secure that there is
> a correct set of full and incremental backups to restore from an
incremental backup?


You are correct, to restore an Exchange server you need,
ONE of the following:
   1 Full backup (already has the logs it needs to recover)
   1 Full backup + NN incremental backups
   1 Full backup + 1 latest differential backup
This is covered in Chapter 1 of the TDP for Exchange book under
a section titled "TDP for Exchange Backup Strategy Considerations"

TDP for Exchange version 2.2 will always keep the latest
FULL backup until another FULL backup is completed succesfully.
It will NOT expire any INCREMENTAL or DIFFERENTIAL backups that
go with the latest FULL backup until the next FULL backup
is completed succesfully.

I hope that helps.




Del Hoobler
IBM Corporation

- Leave everything a little better than you found it.
- Smile a lot: it costs nothing and is beyond price.

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